K is for Keep Portland Weird! (Portlandia A to Z)

Keep Portland Weird! This slogan grew out of Austin, Texas, but since then we have kicked Austin's butt in the weirdness category. This victory was verified just last month in an infographic by an Austin graphic designer, so it must be true. The show "Portlandia" capitalizes on everything weird about Portland.

Here are just a few of the things that make Portland weird:

portlandbanner.jpgThe world's largest naked bike ride (video here)--last year they had 5,000 naked (or partially naked) riders. From what I understand, the weirdos are not the ones riding in it, but more likely to be in the audience. Here's an account of what it's like to ride in this event.

If you'd rather wear clothes, you can be a part of the Zoobombers, a group of people who go barrelling down the hill on children's bikes.

A vacuum cleaner museum

Annual zombie walk and thriller dance

H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival & CthulhuCon, held in Portland and Los Angeles only.

Resident unicycling Darth Vader, who has made it onto Jimmy Kimmel.

Trek in the Park, with free, open-air performances of original-series Star Trek episodes (no longer operating).

It's not terribly unusual to see occasional unclothed people on the street. To my dismay.

Hipsters galore!

Portland style: Fashionistas would not be happy here. In the finest Portland restaurants, you could pass by wearing jeans and Birkenstocks. In the city you'll see dreadlocks, lots of facial hair, gauges in ears, not to mention scores of tattoos.

Recycling rules: If you don't recycle, YOU are the one who is weird.

Even though it rains a lot, we shun using umbrellas.

We can't pump our own gas. Anywhere in Oregon. And we don't have sales tax.

Dogs are gods. Or at least they are treated like gods. If you don't have a dog, you might have a cat, a goat, or a chicken or two.
The 24-Hour Church of Elvis

We don't like big brands. Wal-Mart has fought long and hard to site a store in the inner city, but people fight back hard. We are loyal to our local, homegrown companies.

The Church of Elvis. Really.

You can get married at Voodoo Doughnuts. Here is the pricing.

Last year Buzzfeed produced a feature on the "30 Most Portland Things That Have Ever Happened in Portland." It's not to be missed.

Portlanders are highly proud of their weirdness.

Read my other A to Z posts here, and stay tuned for tomorrow: libraries and lights.


  1. Well, I agree. Portland does seem to "take the cake" when it comes to weirdness. :) I can see why they might take pride in it. Unlike any place else of which I am aware. In my 80 years I've seen lots of things, but never a naked bike rider (much less 5000) Arghhhh. I enjoyed your post tremendously. Just hopping around visiting other bloggers on the sign-up challenge list. Right now, I'm number 772 on the list. Come see me if you wish! Best regards to you. Blabbin' Grammy, aka Ruby.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Ruby! I think I've visited your blog before but will do so again.

  2. Portland certainly sounds interesting (and weird). As for the 5,000 naked bike riders, that must be quite a sight, but I bet it's not very comfortable to do.

    1. Yes, I've heard it's especially a problem if you fall off your bike!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Wow, this sounds like a place to visit before you die kind of thing. Love that bit about the donut wedding :)

    1. Yes, you should come visit! Thanks for leaving a comment.

  4. Wow! That's a list that I would think had to be compiled from all over the world - but to know that ALL of those things take place in one city..... YIKES! I'm a big believer in being uniquely you so - Way to be Weird Portland! Thanks for sharing!

    The Road We’ve Shared A to Z

  5. This just confirms my desire to visit Portland. :) visiting from A to Z. :)

  6. These are some of the weird and also interesting facts of Portland :) Thanks for sharing the info. THe naked cycle rase is surprising of all :-o
    Dropping by from A to Z

    1. Yes, it's definitely a unique place!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Nice to hear from someone who clearly has a lot of love for their city.

    1. Thanks, Chad. Yes, it's hard to imagine living anywhere else for long.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. So very, very far from the Southeastern US, in so very, very many ways.
    Hello from AtoZ.

    1. Yes, I imagine so! That's one part of the country I have never been to.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Hmmm, I think I must come and visit. Sounds like a fun place and I am weird. Perfect match.


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