Got a tattoo...

Catch your attention? Not me, silly! (Mike would prefer that I not get a tattoo...although after seeing my friend Shelia's 40th birthday tattoo, I was tempted.)

My dear friend Nancie's bright and lovely daughter Cat just got this tattoo, and she gave me her permission to post it on my blog. So now, if I were to get a tattoo, perhaps this would be it:

What do you think? Should I do it? ;)


  1. Of course I say go for it! There are certain artists that are better and more skilled at tattooing. My tattoo artist obtained his masters in art before he started tattooing. He's been tattooing for over 15 years and really does some phenomenal work. He is also an intelligent person that is well known for his tattoos amongst other forms of art. After all, my tattoo was one that was featured in the Portland Art Museum. ;) He also does installation art shows all over the country.

  2. If I ever wanted tattoo advice, Kendra, you would be the first person I'd go to! You are the tattoo goddess!


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