Love for all

In a similar vein as that great Believe Out Loud video, a few years ago Bjorn Borg (yes, that Bjorn Borg!) produced a video as part of his "Love for All" dating Web site. (Borg is now a designer of high-end, luxury underwear.)

This is what Democratic Underground had to say about the video and Bjorn Borg:

"After his retirement, Bjorn Borg, the Swedish tennis legend, founded a clothing company which has become one of Europe's most popular underwear and loungewear brands. The Bjorn Borg brand owes its success to its exciting and original designs and to its edgy, irreverent advertising.

Don’t miss their newest video ad, "Love for All" with a VERY special surprise ending. It's especially relevent as the controversy over the passage of Proposition 8 in California and the gay community's response gains momentum.

Bjorn Borg has just launched their brand in North America and with ads like this, I think they deserve our support. Happily, if you're so inclined, you can pick up some Bjorn Borg underwear and support two socially conscious, gay friendly companies: Bjorn Borg and International Jock Men's Underwear

Plus, you might want to have some fun and email the video to any homophobes you know. It might be fun to watch their heads explode!"
