What I read in November

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)It's time for my monthly summary of what I've been reading and writing about over at Marie's Book Garden. I spent much of November savoring my second read of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in preparation for the movie coming out. I think it's my favorite of all seven books. I'm excited that my nephews are starting to read them now!

Back RoadsEarly in November I read Back Roads by Tawni O'Dell (two stars--dark and depressing). Next was 8-1/2 Steps to Writing Faster, Better by Daphne Gray-Grant (four stars; a great cache of writing tips!).

Another four-star book was Babyface: A Story of Heart and Bones, by Jeanne McDermott, a beautiful memoir of a mother's love for her disabled son.Babyface: A Story of Heart and Bones
A few days ago I finished the disappointing Serious Men by Manu Joseph. I give it one star primarily for its sexism but also for its meandering text and lack of fulfilling its potential.

It's time soon to compile the best books of 2010--so stay tuned! What good books have you read this year?
