National Day of Silence

Carl Walker-Hoover would have turned 13 today, if he hadn't committed suicide on April 6, 2009, because of constant bullying. Although Carl did not identify as gay, his story is a tragic reminder that anti-LGBT bullying and harassment affects all students. To honor Carl's memory and all children and people who suffer this type of bullying in silence,  students around the country have taken a vow of silence to bring attention to anti-LGBT name calling, bullying, and harassment.

A local store near my house, Topanien, is honoring the National Day of Silence in the store. A Facebook friend of mine is a teacher in California, and he commented today that 2/3 of the kids in his school are participating, and "Thank God for white boards!"

Typically, conservative organizations (or "family advocacy groups," as described by FOX News!) are claiming it's all a waste of taxpayer money. As described by one blogger, the Day of Silence detractors want to preserve students' right to bully.
