Most gorgeous song and rendition!

As regular readers know, I am a huge fan of Storm Large and have seen her live and posted her videos before.

She did a holiday show last year in Portland--unfortunately by the time I knew about it, the show had sold out.

Friday night I was driving home and heard the achingly beautiful song "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen, and I thought to myself that I must get a recording of it.

Now Storm Large has just released a video of her singing that very song at her holiday show, with Portland actor Wade McCollum and singer Holcombe Waller. Heart-stoppingly gorgeous!


  1. It was an amazing night, I was so honored and lucky to be there, and Jennie (photomandala) has outdone herself in producing this video. I'm so proud of everyone... these things come together because everyone wants to make it beautiful and real, not the least of which (and often the most of all) is Storm.


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