...were very quiet...Moroccan chicken (from the slow cooker), quinoa, and coleslaw for dinner, followed by a reading of a children's book about Barack Obama, which the three kings brought Kieran for Epiphany.

The kids listening to Mike read
No, he's not Peter Pan: he's the scarecrow from "The Wizard of Oz"--Kieran is planning to stage the play, and nearly all his conversations and clothing of late relate to this topic!
We just discovered this evening that Chris is now as tall as me!! I can't believe he is going to be 13 this year!!! Heaven help us!
The book reading ended with a spontaneous chant by Kieran and Chris: "O-BA-MA! O-BA-MA!" soon joined by Nicholas and the rest of us.
The book reading ended with a spontaneous chant by Kieran and Chris: "O-BA-MA! O-BA-MA!" soon joined by Nicholas and the rest of us.
I discovered this web site (probably later than the rest of the world) that allows you to "Obamasize" yourself. Take a look at what I did:
What did you do to celebrate the inauguration with your family? Check out this web site (Share My Inauguration.com) to see how people have celebrated throughout the world, especially with children.
And now the truly hard work begins...good luck to you, President and Michelle Obama and team!
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